Create a Hummingbird Paradise with These Must-Have Plants

Lure hummingbirds to your garden with vibrant Bee Balm. Its tubular flowers are a favorite nectar source for these tiny birds.

Salvia is another top choice for attracting hummingbirds. Its long blooming period and bright colors make it irresistible to these feathered friends.

Trumpet Vine is a fast-growing vine that produces trumpet-shaped flowers perfect for hummingbirds. Plant in a sunny spot with room to climb.

Fuchsia's pendulous flowers in shades of pink and purple are a hummingbird magnet. Hang baskets of Fuchsia to add color and attract these birds.

Columbine's unique spurred flowers provide a landing pad for hummingbirds. Choose varieties in red and orange hues for the best results.

With these must-have plants, you can create a hummingbird paradise in your own backyard. Watch these delightful birds flutter and feed among the blooms.