Hummingbirds Like You've Never Seen Them: Their Incredible Homes

Discover the intricate nests of hummingbirds, from tiny cups made of spider silk to elaborate structures woven with moss and lichen.

Hummingbirds choose diverse locations for their nests, such as tree branches, cacti, and even hanging from clotheslines, adapting to their environment.

Witness the remarkable parenting skills of hummingbirds, with females solely responsible for building the nest and caring for the chicks until they fledge.

Explore the fascinating relationship between hummingbirds and flowers, as these birds play a crucial role in pollination while seeking nectar for energy.

Learn about the incredible speed and agility of hummingbirds in flight, enabling them to hover in place and move in all directions with precision.

Uncover the secrets of hummingbird migration, with some species traveling thousands of miles each year to reach their breeding and wintering grounds.