The Impact of Climate Change on Komodo Dragons

Komodo dragons rely on specific temperature ranges for egg incubation. Climate change disrupts this, leading to skewed sex ratios and decreased hatchling survival.

Altered weather patterns affect prey availability for Komodo dragons. Changes in rainfall and temperature can impact the abundance of their main food sources, such as deer and pigs.

Rising sea levels due to climate change threaten the habitats of Komodo dragons. Their coastal homes are at risk of being submerged, reducing their living spaces and food sources.

Climate change-induced wildfires pose a direct threat to Komodo dragons' habitats. These fires can destroy vegetation, reducing cover for the dragons and leading to food scarcity.

As apex predators, Komodo dragons play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem balance. Climate change impacts on them can disrupt the entire food chain, affecting biodiversity.

Adaptation is key for Komodo dragons to survive climate change. Conservation efforts, habitat protection, and sustainable practices are essential to ensure their long-term survival.